Jul 10, 2018
For those new or just unfamiliar with residential renting, this is the guide for you! Here we explain a lease, bond and condition report. What is a lease? Also known as a residential tenancy agr
Jul 3, 2018
West Ender locals have the fortune of endless choices in cafes which could make anyone else green with envy. And for good reason - we love our coffee! There's too many cafes in West End for us to list
Jun 26, 2018
Its a known fact that Australia loves pets. With 62% of our houselds having pets, we have the highest rates of household pet ownerships in the world. In Queensland alone, 39% of houses have a dog, 24%
Jun 19, 2018
Australia has been in transition for some time now. Over the years, newly discovered technology and communication methods have allowed us to step away from old ideals as we seek newfound independence
Jun 11, 2018
South East Queensland currently appears to be on everyone's radar. While we might want to say it's because of the beautiful weather and beaches, there are a lot of better reasons behind Brisbane's rec
Jun 5, 2018
It may have once been the Australian dream to own a three bedroom house with a large yard, but in today's Brisbane we see a greater volume of people seeking the #apartmentlife for its close proximity
May 21, 2018
Downsizing can often be met with a general sadness as one leaves behind their beloved family house to live in a more manageable smaller sized home. Though, the move is not without its positives as the
May 8, 2018
Being a Plant-parent is no longer limited to the few with green thumbs and large gardens. Those living in apartments can reap the benefits that plants bring, such as relaxation and purified air. Here